Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Recently I had some dental work done which left me with a disturbed Trigeminal nerve on the right side of my face. Symptoms included pain, a horrible burning sensation all across the side of my face where a new crown was placed and of course emotional episodes most likely due to the irritation itself..  It turned out that the crown was insufficient and had to be replaced but all the extra procedures only elevated my problem.  I also discovered that I was having bad reactions to both Tylenol and Advil and I desperately needed something to manage the pain.

I've had 15 years experience as a Health Consultant at "The Garden Health Foods" in Vancouver and have recommended thousands of products for every condition under the sun.  So believe me when I tell you that I have never had something work so quick and so well for pain relief like Curamin.  Within a few hours my pain subsided and a week later the nerve finally calmed down so that the new crown could be replaced.  Though, following the seating of the new crown, the joint did experience a flare up. So I just took a few CuraMeds 375  ( part of the product line) and felt relief within an hour.

I'm usually pretty skeptical about natural health products, as many claim to do and be something they actually are not but this one is a winner!
( 2011 Vity Awards )


Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Yeah!  It's summer!  And for all of you who love training in this fantastic weather here are a few tips to make it the best experience ever!

1)  Use water-based sunscreen as oil-based can retard sweating and increase your risk of overheating.

2)  Wear loose fitting clothing that can wick away sweat from your skin and allow the heat to escape.  (Dry-fit or Cool Max are excellent examples and to keep them smelling fresh just soak them in baking soda once in awhile)

3) Never exercise in temperatures above 85 Fahrenheit or 30 Celsius with the humidity being over 92% unless you are acclimatized to train in this environment.

4)  Stay hydrated by drinking at least 8oz's of water for every 15 minutes of exercise.  And splash cold water on your skin to help reduce your core temperature.  Avoid taking salt tablets.

5) Pay attention to warning signs of heat stress, heat exhaustion or heat stroke. (short labored breathing, parched feeling in the mouth, blurred vision, sensations of burning muscles and lungs, dizziness, nausea and possible sequences of irrational thought and action).