Michelle Brezinski
"It's about balance"

I get it. Staying at a healthy weight can be a real struggle for most of us. It can be done, though, with the right diet, exercise routine, support and belief, anyone can reach and stay at their ideal weight. I battle with hypoglycemia every day and at 46 years old I’m in the best shape of my life!

"Results Motivate"


• BCRPA Certified Personal Trainer

• SFU Health and Fitness Kinesiology

• Golden Key Honor Award of Excellence

• Group Fitness Leader


• 10 Years “The Garden Health”

• Diet Presenter

• Fitness Presenter

• Sports and Basic Nutrition

Focuses include injury prevention and rehab, 50+ fitness, weight loss and sport specific training.

A marathon runner, windsurfer, aerobic and bootcamp leader, spin class instructor, yoga student, personal trainer and animal lover.

Registration for our next challenge starts Feb 7th 2011 at the Kitsilano Community Center, 2690 Larch St. Vancouver (604) 257-6976 or on-line at Weigh-in Mar 6th 2011 (10am-12noon) Space limited so register before Feb 28th