Bootcamp...happy campers!
“It’s about a solid plan”

This six week program focuses on safe and effective diet and exercise strategies to help you lose weight. Though ten pounds is the goal any amount of weight loss is considered a success!

• Weigh-in                • Diet Workshops

• Fitness Activities   • Getting Support

• Weigh-out      • Celebration & Prizes


Congratulations you’ve made the first step!

Now get on the sticker board and start losing pounds and gaining stickers. Your names and weight will always remain private so never worry about that.

We are looking forward to meeting you and helping you finally get some weight loss results.


There are several “Meet and Eat” workshops offered during the event. We’ll get you started with a healthy diet strategy, keep you motivated with some delicious recipes and bust some “too good to be true” diet myths.

Don’t forget your file folder filled with healthy hints, discounts and blogging information to help you achieve your goal.


You’ll have the opportunity to attend complementary bootcamps, power walks, aerobics and take advantage of a weight room orientation on how to design your exercise strategy for losing weight.

We’ll dedicate the Fitness Center displays to the challengers,filling them with diet and exercise tips, recipes and many exciting postings to keep your focus on the process as being fun.


We want to hear from you so tell us how your doing through the on-line blogging.

Sharing your successes and struggles can help everyone so we encourage you to use this service as often as you want.

Cheering on other challengers means “good karma”


Celebration, validation, recognition, food and prizes!

You’ve made it and the rewards are waiting for you.

Results motivate! Let your new look and energy be a champion reason to keep those positive changes to stay healthy, happy and looking great for a lifetime.

Check out our Success Stories.

Registration for our next challenge starts Feb 7th 2011 at the Kitsilano Community Center, 2690 Larch St. Vancouver (604) 257-6976 or on-line at Weigh-in Mar 6th 2011 (10am-12noon) Space limited so register before Feb 28th