Fantastic commitment everyone!
"It's about a commitment"

Congratulations to all the challengers who stayed focused on their goals!  27 participants weighed out and a total of 189 lbs was lost  ....Fantastic!  Prizes included gifts from Lady Sport, Soul Reflexions, Vega, The Garden Health, Mercedes Benz, Capers Whole Foods,  Body Plus Gift Baskets, a Kits Community Fitness Center one month pass and an aerobic 10 visit pass.

We also raised over $600 dollars for the BC SPCA!

Kristina was our top winner losing 14.8 lbs, she worked hard, stayed committed to all the TPD activities over the 6 weeks and won the Kits Community Center 10 visit aerobic pass.  Daryl working hard as well, lost 13.9 lbs and took home the fabulous Capers Gift basket.  Rachelle was another committed challenger who lost 11 lbs and received a lovely Soul Reflexions spa treatment for her well deserved efforts. Don't they look Fantastic!

Elena lost a total of 10.3 lbs, took home the Kits Fitness Center one month pass and is still going strong and sticking to her fitness goals!  Paddy lost 9.2 lbs, won a Body Plus gift basket and is thrilled to fit into her summer clothing!  John lost a total of 8.8 lbs, took home a Body Plus Gift basket and just ran the Vancouver 2011 Marathon!                


Bravo everyone!
"It's about reaching goals"

Congratulations to the Kitsilano Community Centre challengers who participated in the six week Sept 2010 event.  30 challengers weighed out losing a total of 175lbs!  Prizes included gift baskets from Capers Whole Foods Market and The Garden Health Foods, fitness passes, aerobic passes, dryfit shirts from Forerunners, a spa treatment from Soul Reflexions, yoga mats and several gift bags from Mercedes Benz.


Mark was our top male challenger who lost 14.3!  He took home the Spa Treatment which he is sharing with his wife Louise who lost over 7 lbs.  They both look fabulous!   Vally, our top female winner, lost 14.2 lbs....another wow! She took home the ten visit aerobic pass and a lot of validation.  What a success!  Fiona, our official blogger, lost 10 lbs and received a gift basket from The Garden Health...bravo!

Nigel is a man on a mission losing over 12 lbs!  He took home a month fitness pass. What a transformation!  Byran surprised us all losing over 11 lbs.  Training on his own, he took the diet and exercise advice and ran with it.  What a success story!  Dimitry, our youngest challenger, lost over 8lbs and won a free personal training session.  Now he wants to put weight on...more muscle weight that is!

This is a success story that just keeps getting better and better. Mary and Chris were our top female and male winners from our very first TPD Challenge April 2010.  Both have lost over 20 lbs since then and would you not agree they look fantastic!


Our TPD Hero Tina attended every activity, keeping up with the best of them! As our most senior challenger she inspired us all with her determination, happy nature and strong focus.  Tina received an album displaying a collection of photo's capturing her during this 6 week event.....Bravo Tina!

Congratulations to all participants!
"It's about being a winner"

Congratulations to the challengers at the Kitsilano Community Center in Vancouver BC (April 2010). Forty participants weighed out and 200 lbs was lost in just 4 weeks.  Prizes included fitness passes, aerobic passes, gift baskets, dry-fit shirts, yoga mats and tons of other great prizes for everyone, even if they only lost one pound. Here are their success stories, may they inspire you to join our next challenge!

Jerry lost 13.5 lbs. As a fit person who worked out regularly, has a healthy diet, Jerry only needed to add more cardio to his routine. He found the group approach very motivating to help him focus and get serious about losing those last ten pounds.

Chris lost 13.5 lbs. At first he was intimidated but in the end he was one of our top winners. His plan was eating a balanced diet, with lots of fruit and veges, eliminating snacks, smaller portions and eating break- fast. He added more gym time and walked every chance he could.

Marissa lost 8lbs. She followed the food guide adding more vegetables, cutting down on starches and the meal time wine. She stayed active by taking aerobic classes 3 times a week and walking a lot.

Mary lost 9lbs. She tweaked her eating habits and added 40 minute walks, several times a week, attending aerobics classes (2x weekly) and doing gym workouts ( 2x weekly ).

Ann/Katherine/Karen all lost over 5 lbs. These aerobic buddies offered each other moral support finding the program inspiring and very fun.

Alistair lost 81/2 lbs. His big change was cutting down on late night snacking, junk food and lowering his portion sizes. The blogging kept him sane.

Johnathan lost 9 lbs. For him it was adding more gym activity and changing his eating habits. He loved the sticker chart and being a competitor.

Kim lost several inches instead of pounds and people are saying “she looks great”!
Keith joined the challenge to support Kim and picked up some healthy tips along the way.

Jonine/Jayne/Janet all lost over 5lbs. The ladies enjoyed their chats during the outdoor activities.

Registration for our next challenge starts Feb 7th 2011 at the Kitsilano Community Center, 2690 Larch St. Vancouver (604) 257-6976 or on-line at Weigh-in Mar 6th 2011 (10am-12noon) Space limited so register before Feb 28th