Sunday, November 21, 2010

BODY BALL EXERCISES                   

Also known as balance ball, swiss ball and exercise ball, this training equipment can be used to improve your balance, core strength and coordination.  Perfect for those needing to improve sports specific skills, functional movements (like fall prevention) or just to spice up a boring fitness routine.  There are several different body ball exercises to choose from, just make sure they suit your level of ability as some can be quite difficult. 

Choose the right size body ball for you.  To test it, sit on the ball and make sure your hips are level or just slightly higher than your knees.   55cm (4'11" - 5'4")   65cm (5'5"-5'11")   75cm (6'0"-6'7")

Check out the great body ball exercises on the "TIPS" page.  Be sure that you choose appropriate exercises for your ability to prevent any injuries.  If you have just recovered from injury contact your physiotherapist or doctor before starting a new fitness program.  Please feel free to contact Michelle for any questions or concerns you may have about using the body ball in your exercise routine.

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