Sunday, January 16, 2011

My top five weight loss tips! 

For most us getting older means gaining weight!  And though our metabolism does decrease slightly with age, the real reason we gain those extra pounds is because we lose our passion for living.  Being youthful means going dancing, playing sports, laughing more, chasing the opposite sex which costs the body tons of calories.  Not everyone had a passionate youth, nor was everyone thin, but now has never been a better time to discover or rediscover what makes your "tok tik"!

#1 Find that personal reason that motivates you to move!

What makes you want to get up a click your heels?  If you like being competitive then join a challenging weight loss support group. If music floats your boat then load up the old ipod and set out for daily run/walks.  If a special event is on the horizon start a program today so you can show off that fantastic you. The fact is that "being fit is healthy" just isn't enough to motivate, we need a more personal reason...find it!

#2 Never, never keep junk food in the house! 

What is it with our diminishing will power at night?  No matter how much I convince myself  "I'm in control" when the evening comes and there's treats in the house I'm weak.  So the only solution is to not buy bulk junk food and store it in the house.  An now your thinking "but I have kids" well too bad it's not good for them either, have you seen the child obesity stats....treats are not love, spending time with your kids is, so go out together for a walk and get your fix if you must.  Stop rewarding with food ..... find another way!

#3 Try and walk as much as possible every day!

I know what your thinking "who has time to walk"? Well we seem to always have time for TV, internet, video games, telephone calls so why not spend a few of life precious moments enjoying a walk ... heck bring along your blue tooth if you must.  This is one of the easiest, cheapest and most convenient ways to work off those extra pounds ... find the time!

#4 Eat like a king at breakfast, a prince at lunch and a pauper at dinner!
Even though this old saying still holds weight today, if you follow it, you won't!  Learn to love your breakfast as this meal will single handedly "make or break" your day.  A good morning meal can energize you, put you in a good mood and keep you focused.  As you provide yourself with the proper nutrition throughout the day your need for a large evening meal will diminish leading to less stored calories and even a better night's sleep..... look mom no more passing out after my huge dinner!

#5 Choosing Low GI foods is a "this for that"  diet strategy you can easily live by!

Twenty years ago I believed in this diet even though it never really existed till 1996.  As a competitive bodybuilder back in 1991 I experimented with all kinds of weight loss strategies and the low GI diet lead me to victory. It helped me to lose those stubborn extra pounds without leaving me weak, moody or hungry. The focus is not on extremely reducing your calories but on exchanging low GI foods for high ones.  The glycemic index (GI) of a food is how fast it will leave the digestive system and enter the blood stream.  Low GI foods (<55) tend to burn up slower, helping to reduce hunger, providing you with steady energy and preventing diseases associated with consuming too many high GI foods (>70).  For more information on The Low GI Handbook visit their website at:

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