Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Sandy from North Vancouver say's she's done everything from sit ups, to crunches and leg lifts to tone up and shed that extra fat layer around her mid section.  Though muscle toning will elevate your metabolism thus burning more calories the best way to reduce that layer of fat is through cardiovascular execises.  "Spot reducing" is a myth, the body will not just use the fat stored around the muscles you are working.  If you want to successfully reduce those stored calories then get on a bike, go for a power walk or have a swim. Be sure to focus on the fat burning zone which is a 65% of your maximum heart rate (HR). Use this simple formula to figure it out  {220 - ( age )  x .65 = the target HR}.  Then take a 10 second heart beat count times it by 6 to determine what level of exertion you are working at. Another method to determine if your body is primarily burning stored fat is to check your breathing.  If you're breathing too much your not burning fat.  And of course your diet is important and though they say "a calorie in is a calorie out", there's reasonable evidence suggesting that certain foods make better choices for weight loss.  Please review the "Low GI Diet" blog below for more information.

Here are some great abdominal toning exercises from  (click image to enlarge)

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