Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Can Adrenal Fatigue be making your fat?

Constantly feeling exhausted, unmotivated, depressed, irritable, can't shake those extra pounds or always fighting a bug of some kind? Well you might be suffering from "Adrenal Burnout".

Today's world is extremely demanding! Juggling a career and family, dealing with the state of the economy, constant noise and air pollutants while trying to have an exciting life of some kind. Basically - we want it all!  But it does not come without a price! Our poor adrenal glands end up in constant overdrive which eventually robs us of our health.

These two little glands, situated on top of each kidney, are responsible for the strength of our immune system, normalizing blood sugar and regulating blood pressure.  But unfortunately, when we are needing to rest them, most reach for stimulants and end up burning these glands out more, leading to serious illnesses like cancer.

Take care of your adrenal glands by first recognizing when they have had enough.  Even a string of job interview rejections can lead to burnout.  Next, focus on a nutritious diet and regular, moderately intense exercise.  Finally, consider relaxation therapies so that you can handle stress more positively, like yoga, cognitive behavioral changes, breathing exercises or somatic-contraction therapy.  If you are considering a detoxification program just be aware that "toxin release" is quite a stressful event for the body and side effects may be very unpleasant.  I would suggest holding off until you feel your strength return.

They say that very few people fully recover from "Adrenal Burnout" as, in some cases, it may take years to bounce back.  But can you imagine feeling that healthy freedom once again.

For more info visit: http://www.womenlivingnaturally.com/articlepage.php?id=6

1 comment:

  1. Good info on what adrenal fatigue is. Thanks for posting how chronic weakness and sleeplessness may be symptoms associated with this.
