Tuesday, August 30, 2011

No.#1 Weight Loss Activity!

Power Walking is one of the easiest, least expensive, most convenient and just about everyone can do it, fitness activities.

Lipolysis is a process in which our body mobilizes stored lipids (fat) and uses it as a source of energy.  But in order for this to happen oxygen needs to be present. During activities, such as running, we tend to require much more oxygen so the body is forced to use both lipids and stored glycogen.  Walking is far less demanding and therefore we generally get all the oxygen our body requires to primarily burn stored fat.

Plan a long walk, at least 40-60 minutes, wear the proper footwear, consider safety or bring a friend, and try and keep your pace at a moderate speed.  You can use your heart rate as a guideline (120 beats per minute is a great pace).

So walk off those extra pounds, stay injury free and enjoy the lovely fall weather which is ideal for those long street hikes with a friend.

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