Monday, March 7, 2011


1 Think a balanced diet when planning your meals, remember we need our grains, proteins, dairy, fruits and vegetables.  And if you're a vegetarian or vegan, pay attention to you're complete proteins, supplemented calcium, B12 and iron intakes. The "closer to nature the better", so everyone avoid processed foods!

2 Try not to skip meals, especially breakfast.  Maintaining your energy levels throughout the day will boost your metabolism, burning more calories, reduce cravings and eliminate that late afternoon, early evening fatique.

3 Pay attention to portion sizes and use your lunch plates instead for smaller meals.  Split your plate into three sections and fill 1/3 with your meat, chicken or fish, 1/3 with a grain and the last 1/3 with vegetables.  Once you've filled your plate immediately put left overs into storage to prevent overeating.

4 Eliminate fruit juices and pops.  Drink plain or sparkling water instead. San Pellegrino is less biting then Perrier, making it a little more palatable, in my opinion.  Herbal Teas are another fantastic option.

5 Keep junk food out of the house to reduce temptation and get creative with treats like frozen berries blended with low fat milk or 100% cocoa added to low fat milk and heated with a touch of honey.

6 If you're always busy, try and prepare foods ahead of time to eliminate take out.  Cut up vegetables and precook chicken, put them in a container and store them in your fridge for future meals.

7 Choose low GI foods over high GI foods. (below for more info or visit

8 Be careful with artificial sweetners as they can sometimes elevate your sweet cravings.  Other more natural sweetners to consider are stevia, honey and agava syrup.

9 When choosing alcoholic beverages, think which type are you likely to sip and which are you likely to guzzle and avoid the later.  To avoid drinking too many, try and have sparkling water in between drinks.

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