Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Dear TPDers!                                                   
So, we are in the home stretch and flu season has hit our home over the last while -- so, no workouts, 2 little feverish tots and perhaps not eating in the best way. As they say, "life gets in the way of losing weight". However, I have truly enjoyed the process thus far and have enjoyed fitting a little better in clothes once again. I am content with the progress I have made to date and look forward to the next one, perhaps, to get those last 10 pounds (pre baby)!!!

I leave this coming weekend for a week long programme in the States, so I will miss the final weigh in festivities on Sunday, but many congratulations to all of you on a wonderful event! Thank you to Michelle as well.
Hugs and best of luck,


  1. Thanks for all your blogging Fiona...I see from the sticker chart you are doing fantastic. So sorry you were too busy to attend the TPD events but I am glad the blog support was helpful in reaching your goal...congratulations to you!

    Michelle B

  2. Hi Michelle,
    It is the day after our "weigh out" and I wanted to acknowledge all the hard work and effort you passionately gave to the "tenpound down" program.

    This was just the 'kick in the pants' my husband and I needed to reach our goal of better health (my husband lost 14 lbs and I lost 7 lbs.) Over the six weeks we followed your suggestions on smaller portion sizes, cutting out wine with dinner, and eating oatmeal at breakfast.

    So now we are both more comfortable in our clothes and have the energy to keep up with our children. We plan on maintaining our new habits and losing a bit more.

    Our best to you and all the participants of the tenpound down program! Keep up the good work.
    Louise & Mark
