Sunday, October 17, 2010

Click comment box below for Success Stories and more!

Congratulations to all those who stayed in the TPD challenge till the very end.  Early this morning there were a few participants getting they're final workout in before hitting the scale. The top winners lost over 14 pounds each and there was a total of 175lbs lost by 30 people who weighed-out today "Bravo"!  I couldn't be more pleased seeing so many of you succeed!



  1. Thanks again Michelle!

    My story is pretty simple - cut down my portions and included more small snacks, ate earlier in the evening, and cut out alcohol! I wasn't cruel about cutting out the small pleasures in my diet, like honey in my tea and an occasional piece of chocolate or a homemade cookie. I just didn't gorge or go to excess. As a former athlete, cutting down portions has a lot to do with letting go of a mental attachment to a kind of identity around eating heartily. So, going from 5 pancakes as an athlete, to 3 pancakes a few months ago, to 1 1/2 pancakes now, was a big challenge. I have a hard time eating like an "average" woman, since I really ate more like a guy, being a hammer thrower. We used to pride ourselves in shutting down all you can eat places so they'd have to cook more food! Exercising was just jacked up a bit, but not a huge change. Also, I was vigilant about exercising even with the kids. I found a way to include them - I'd jog while they rode their bikes. Did boot camp in the sand while they played. Went swimming during their swim lessons, and cycled up the hill to get him to school. Anyway, that's the long story.

    I'm looking forward to keeping it all going - I like the changes I am seeing! Thanks for the kick-start.


  2. How I succeeded..

    Lots of exercise (Around 250 minutes a week - probably around 8 hours in the last week!).
    Low intensity workouts when I felt tired, high intensity at least twice a week. Doing weights if cardio was getting boring.
    Avoiding sugar.
    Porridge for breakfast (with water). Lots of tuna and brown rice for main meals. Or bean/grain mixes.
    The occasional protein bar for snacking on, as a treat.
    And eating more, after I lost lots of weight, but couldn't sleep (in the first week if you remember) , probably helped too.

    Thanks for everything. TPD became my routine for a while, it's actually kind of strange now theres no Sunday/Saturday event. Can't wait for the next one.


  3. Hi Michelle,

    Thank you for always encouraging me to do my best. I still enjoy reading the book about Glycemic Index - helps me to control my blood suger. I enjoy looking at all the pictures in the album you created for me. Thank you, every time I look at the album, I remember all the fun we had in your classes - especially the disco aerobics. Keep on inspiring new members to reach their weight targets.

    Regards....Tina Ng

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi Michelle,
    I am sorry I did not make the weigh in. I became really ill at the end of September.I did remain with my food changes and did manage to lose about 6 pounds.
    I enjoyed the sessions I did take part in and thought you were a terrific leader. I am continuing with the Pilates I joined up for and starting a dance class.
    Only one suggestion. I found the first day of weigh in confusing and was anticipating some sort of food program. I didn't know it would be self directed and got off to a slow start as I didn't quite know what I should be doing, amount of calories to eat, etc.
    Anyway, thanks for your great course, I am moving to the West End soon and wondering if you do classes at any other facilities.
    Best regards

  6. Anonymous said...

    Hi Michelle,
    It is the day after our "weigh out" and I wanted to acknowledge all the hard work and effort you passionately gave to the "tenpound down" program.

    This was just the 'kick in the pants' my husband and I needed to reach our goal of better health (my husband lost 14 lbs and I lost 7 lbs.) Over the six weeks we followed your suggestions on smaller portion sizes, cutting out wine with dinner, and eating oatmeal at breakfast.

    So now we are both more comfortable in our clothes and have the energy to keep up with our children. We plan on maintaining our new habits and losing a bit more.

    Our best to you and all the participants of the tenpound down program! Keep up the good work.
    Louise & Mark
