Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Hello, Everyone!                                             
So, I had hit that "plateau" in my "losing" journey -- particularly as I increased exercise, I found that the scale did not budge for about 10 days there -- however, clothes were fitting a little better, and I had more energy so I know something was working! This morning, I did get on the scale and, lo and behold, a 2 lb drop! Finally! For me it also represented a loss into the next "decade" (I won't reveal which) ....perhaps you can see what I mean by that!

This felt really good as it has been a long time since I have weighed in that "decade"!  With 2 young children, a business and going to school part time, I am finding it very challenging to get to events with TPD -- but, I am so happy to blog!

Hope all of you are well. Drinking lots of water and tea sweetened with Stevia is helping, as well as ensuring that every meal I eat (including snacks) is comprised of 80% non starchy veg! Also, a food of the gods called "Young Coconut Kefir" and cultured veggies such as unpasterized saurkraut is helping to eliminate all sugar cravings. I am following The Body Ecology Diet, and it has been wonderful for me.

Best wishes to you all!


  1. Fiona
    I can see by the stickers on the board that you are really getting results. I'm so glad you are using the blog for can really make losing weight fun!
    I love reading your successes and I think your advise is excellent...keep up the great work!

    Michelle B

  2. Thank you, Michelle! Sometimes keeping the momentum is tough, but it is not long now! Also, I have to do my final weigh in on October 15th, as I fly to the States for 1 week for a training course and cannot make the Sunday celebrations -- what would be the best time for me to come? Early morning would be best, I think! Please let me know. Best wishes, Fiona
