Sunday, September 19, 2010


Can you believe the sun actually came out to play with us!  We had a blast with Alistair Browne (NSGSC Head Coach) who set up drills for the high impact group and myself who lead another group through a gentle fit program.  Again "Bravo" for coming out on what started off as such a nasty morning. 

Our next group class will be Hi/Lo Aerobics on Saturday Sept 25th at 6pm, for an hour only and indoors, so I hope to see a packed gymnasium.  The class will not be complicated, but should challenge your fitness and I've selected some "fun" disco music for us. 

We are moving into the 1/2 way point of this challenge and you are all doing great!  There are still a few Friday night (7-8pm) weight room orientations left so take advantage of them while you can.


  1. Hi Michelle

    Enjoyed workout - worked all muscles efficiently. Besides burning calories, "tamed" my sugar levels, experienced a wonderful "high" throughout the day - must be all those endorphines released during workout. We are so fortunate to have you as our instructor, you are very encouraging, empathetic and wise.
    The Question, the exercises used during boot camp, plus the one you showed me in the gym - can these exercises be substituted for using gym equipment(such as the rowing machine, elliptical machine or the treadmill). Can I split up these exercises into 3 blocks - morning, after lunch and after dinner. I will still walk the dog for at least 15 minutes every day. Your advice to my questions will be very helpful to my weight loss program.


  2. Hi Tina.

    The exercises I showed you in the gym and the bootcamp exercises are excellent for toning your muscles. Your walking will be great for the cardiovascular part of your workout. Now I know you have a knee injury so walking fast may be hard for you so using a cardio machine that will take some of the pressure off your knee (like the elliptical) might allow you to increase your fitness to a higher level. And you will get that wonderful high more often! Splitting up your exercise routine would be an excellent idea, just make sure you give yourself some rest days. You did a great job the other day, you impressed me.

    Michelle Brezinski
