Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Portabella Pizzas                    
• 1 large (3-oz) portabella (portabella) mushroom cap
• 1/4 cup pasta sauce *
• 1/4 cup soya or part-skim mozzarella cheese
• Garlic (fresh or powder), to taste
• Dried basil, to taste
• fat-free cooking spray (olive oil flavor is best)
* Points were calculated using Ragu Sundried Tomato and Sweet Basil sauce

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Wipe the cap clean of any dirt. Trim mushroom stem even with cap. (Or sometimes you can just pluck the stem right out!) Place mushroom cap on foil and bake for 5-10 minutes before you proceed with the toppings. Remove from oven. If you find juice on the top of the mushroom cap after you take it out of the oven, just pat it dry with a paper towel. (If you are using fresh garlic, you can either dice it very small or roast it till soft.) Spray both sides of the mushroom cap with cooking oil. Place on a baking dish, gill side up. Cover generously with the garlic and sauce, and then top with the cheese and dried basil. Place in the oven and bake for 6-8 minutes, or until the cheese is well melted. Broil for the last minute or two if you want your cheese browned on top. Serve immediately. (Most people prefer to eat this pizza with a knife and fork)

Yields: 1 pizza (3 points per serving)

Nutritional Info: (per serving): 160 calories, 7.5 g. fat, 4 g. fiber (3 points) *


  1. Hi Everyone I made these pizza's last night and was absolutely impressed. I added a little spice and green peppers for more flavor..yummy!

  2. Just some extra advise when making these pizza's. Once you've precooked the mushroom caps 10 minutes use a paper towel and gently press the caps to draw out a little more water..then add toppings and cook 15 minutes more...I turn the heat up to broil for the last 3 minutes to make the topping more crispier.

    I have made these at least a dozen times in the last month, OMG they are good! I added a little thinly sliced spicy pepperoni...yummy.

    Michelle B
