Thursday, September 30, 2010

WE LOVE VEGA!            
The challengers were so fortunate to get the opportunity to taste
and take home samples of the VEGA COMPLETE WHOLE
during the TPD Diet Workshop #2.  They Loved it! 
For more information on Vega products visit

Special guest Susan St.James (Garden Health Foods - owner)
said it was the best VEGA smoothie she'd ever tasted.  It was
very generous of Susan to give each challenger Emergen C,
Nutracleanse and lots of support.  Visit Susan at 1204 Davie street Downtown Vancouver (604-688-4325) 

Suzy Szokendi (Soul Reflexions - Massage and Spa Therapy) dropped by to also support the challengers and was impressed by everyone's dedication. The evening ended with a prize draw and Tina took home the latest version of Rick Gallops "GI Diet" 2010.




    1 cup of low fat milk
    ½ cup low fat, natural flavored yogurt
    ½ cup of 100% orange juice
    ½ cup frozen mixed berries
    1 tsp Vega Antioxidant EFA Oil Blend
    2 scoops(88g)Vega Whole Food Health Optimizer

    Mix all the above ingredients into a blender and once smooth serve immediately. For those with smaller appetites try using just ½ of the suggested ingredients.

  2. Hi Michelle,

    Thanks so much for your kind words. I have your postcard "Remember Your Goals" propped up to my computer monitor and yesterday evening and this afternoon I chose the healthy alternative (an apple, plain yogurt mixed with a bit of 0% flavoured yogurt) rather than my usual "stress" prompted choices - chocolate, black licorice and a BLT - which I modified to a piece of toast with fresh tomato that I grew in my garden, plus a bowl of chick pea soup from the Rebar (Victoria) cookbook. Suzanne and I are going for a walk at 4:30 today so that's a step in the right direction as well.

    'Finally had a chance to check out your website more thoroughly - it's great and it's neat that you are updating the news as we go along! Technology is so helpful, especially when coupled with your hardwork and enthusiasm! I should sign up as a blogger...which I probably will. However, I'm a bit more "peripheral" than I was in the 1st Ten Pound Challenge in April 2010 because I've lost 15 pounds + since then, and my clothes don't fit me anymore! I give you credit for this neat turn of events and also Suzanne by encouraging me to join in April.

    Hope you're enjoying this fabulous Fall day!

    One of the Gang,


  3. Mary I am so pleased you and Suzanne are getting's all good even if your clothes don't fit you both look fabulous! Thank you for sharing your success with me.

    Michelle Brezinski

  4. Hi Michelle,

    I was so thrilled to have won that GI Diet book. Glad you and Allistair enjoyed the chicken wings - they were cooked just before coming to the Diet Meeting. Marinated 2-3 hours and baked in oven.

    Can you suggest an aerobics DVD or some aerobics class? I enjoyed your aerobics very much. Your aerobics class would make a very good DVD.

    Thank you for your constant encouragement and kindness - makes attending your classes a wonderful experience.


  5. Hi Tina...another great job today! We will be trying your meat sauce tonight (your spoiling us).
    As for the aerobics I would suggest Harry's Muscle Works class at the Kitsilano Community Centre (Saturday mornings at 9 - 10am). Harry uses both aerobics and weights to get you fit.

    If you are looking for a DVD I would first recommend borrowing them from the library or renting from Blockbusters video before buying. Look for these titles on the DVD cover..."Low Impact Aerobics"...."Gentle Fit"..."Aerobics for Boomers".... When selecting an aerobics DVD consider your level of fitness, the equipment you will need and how much room you have.

    Keep up the good work!

    Michelle Brezinski

  6. THE GARDEN HEALTH has the best price on the VEGA WHOLE FOOD HEALTH OPTIMIZER. Visit Susan for all your nutritional needs.

    (604) 688 - 4325
    1204 Davie st. Vancouver, B.C.
