Tuesday, August 30, 2011

No.#1 Weight Loss Activity!

Power Walking is one of the easiest, least expensive, most convenient and just about everyone can do it, fitness activities.

Lipolysis is a process in which our body mobilizes stored lipids (fat) and uses it as a source of energy.  But in order for this to happen oxygen needs to be present. During activities, such as running, we tend to require much more oxygen so the body is forced to use both lipids and stored glycogen.  Walking is far less demanding and therefore we generally get all the oxygen our body requires to primarily burn stored fat.

Plan a long walk, at least 40-60 minutes, wear the proper footwear, consider safety or bring a friend, and try and keep your pace at a moderate speed.  You can use your heart rate as a guideline (120 beats per minute is a great pace).

So walk off those extra pounds, stay injury free and enjoy the lovely fall weather which is ideal for those long street hikes with a friend.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Can Adrenal Fatigue be making your fat?

Constantly feeling exhausted, unmotivated, depressed, irritable, can't shake those extra pounds or always fighting a bug of some kind? Well you might be suffering from "Adrenal Burnout".

Today's world is extremely demanding! Juggling a career and family, dealing with the state of the economy, constant noise and air pollutants while trying to have an exciting life of some kind. Basically - we want it all!  But it does not come without a price! Our poor adrenal glands end up in constant overdrive which eventually robs us of our health.

These two little glands, situated on top of each kidney, are responsible for the strength of our immune system, normalizing blood sugar and regulating blood pressure.  But unfortunately, when we are needing to rest them, most reach for stimulants and end up burning these glands out more, leading to serious illnesses like cancer.

Take care of your adrenal glands by first recognizing when they have had enough.  Even a string of job interview rejections can lead to burnout.  Next, focus on a nutritious diet and regular, moderately intense exercise.  Finally, consider relaxation therapies so that you can handle stress more positively, like yoga, cognitive behavioral changes, breathing exercises or somatic-contraction therapy.  If you are considering a detoxification program just be aware that "toxin release" is quite a stressful event for the body and side effects may be very unpleasant.  I would suggest holding off until you feel your strength return.

They say that very few people fully recover from "Adrenal Burnout" as, in some cases, it may take years to bounce back.  But can you imagine feeling that healthy freedom once again.

For more info visit: http://www.womenlivingnaturally.com/articlepage.php?id=6

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Recently I had some dental work done which left me with a disturbed Trigeminal nerve on the right side of my face. Symptoms included pain, a horrible burning sensation all across the side of my face where a new crown was placed and of course emotional episodes most likely due to the irritation itself..  It turned out that the crown was insufficient and had to be replaced but all the extra procedures only elevated my problem.  I also discovered that I was having bad reactions to both Tylenol and Advil and I desperately needed something to manage the pain.

I've had 15 years experience as a Health Consultant at "The Garden Health Foods" in Vancouver and have recommended thousands of products for every condition under the sun.  So believe me when I tell you that I have never had something work so quick and so well for pain relief like Curamin.  Within a few hours my pain subsided and a week later the nerve finally calmed down so that the new crown could be replaced.  Though, following the seating of the new crown, the joint did experience a flare up. So I just took a few CuraMeds 375  ( part of the product line) and felt relief within an hour.

I'm usually pretty skeptical about natural health products, as many claim to do and be something they actually are not but this one is a winner!
( 2011 Vity Awards )


Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Yeah!  It's summer!  And for all of you who love training in this fantastic weather here are a few tips to make it the best experience ever!

1)  Use water-based sunscreen as oil-based can retard sweating and increase your risk of overheating.

2)  Wear loose fitting clothing that can wick away sweat from your skin and allow the heat to escape.  (Dry-fit or Cool Max are excellent examples and to keep them smelling fresh just soak them in baking soda once in awhile)

3) Never exercise in temperatures above 85 Fahrenheit or 30 Celsius with the humidity being over 92% unless you are acclimatized to train in this environment.

4)  Stay hydrated by drinking at least 8oz's of water for every 15 minutes of exercise.  And splash cold water on your skin to help reduce your core temperature.  Avoid taking salt tablets.

5) Pay attention to warning signs of heat stress, heat exhaustion or heat stroke. (short labored breathing, parched feeling in the mouth, blurred vision, sensations of burning muscles and lungs, dizziness, nausea and possible sequences of irrational thought and action).

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The right shoe!!

Never underestimate the value of wearing the right pair of athletic shoes.  Twice I had made the mistake of selecting the wrong shoe and twice I had developed an injury that was quickly resolved when I returned to wearing the right shoe for me and my sport.

There are many different types of sports shoes so finding a professional, who can help you choose the right type of shoe, would be your best first step.

Visit a shop that deals solely with athletic shoes and let them examine your gait in order to determine whether you pronate, supinate or just need neutral arch support.

The Saucony Progrid is an excellent shoe for those with a slight pronation and who love to run regularly, longer distances.

Visit Forerunner at 3504 4th Ave Vancouver BC for the best athletic shoe advice and service.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Don't do this to your fish!

Okay, so we all know that eating fish has ton's of health benefits, like lowering our risk for cardiovascular disease, reducing some cancers and improving our brain function but did you know that if you fry your fish you can pretty much say good bye to all those health benefits!  The frying process can completely destroy the EPA and DHA omega 3 fatty acids which most people are not getting enough of in their diet.  So if want the most out of your fish dish try lightly searing, broiling, baking or sushi raw and skip the battered and high temperature fry up.

Try sprinkling some powdered fennel seed or cardamon spice on your fish and broil it long enough to cook through but not dry up.  I've always said that when I can smell the fishing cooking, it's done. Though I can't stand fish that's too dry and you may enjoy it a little more cooked, so do check it with a fork.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Can Chocolate Really Be Good For You?

According to a recent study on the metabolic effects of dark chocolate consumption, dark chocolate helps to ease emotional stress.  "Most of chocolate's healthfulness comes from antioxidants that reduce the everyday oxidative stress on our bodies," write David Joachim and Andrew Schloss, co-authors of The Science of Good Food (Robert Rose.) They write that the health-promoting antioxidants in chocolate are called polyphenols.
Studies have shown that these compounds can increase blood flow and make blood platelets less sticky. Flavonoids, a subclass of polyphenols that are found in cocoa solids, protect the heart, according to several studies. It seems that these compounds act like scavengers with antioxidant capacities. In one study of 34,000 post-menopausal women who consumed flavonoid-rich food, 22 percent had a lower risk of developing heart disease.
Darker chocolate has the most flavonoids and to capitalize on the health benefits, chocolate manufacturers now list the amount of cacao in a bar. Look for at least 70% to get the most benefit from a bite. Generally speaking, the more bitter the chocolate, the higher the amount of antioxidants. But more important is the fact that the higher the cacao content, the lower the sugar content in the chocolate.
Dark chocolate protects against high blood pressure, too. According to a study published in 2007 in the Journal of the American Medical Association, dark chocolate may actually help to lower blood pressure.
In one study of people who were under a lot of stress, it was found that eating about an ounce and a half of dark chocolate a day for two weeks reduced levels of their stress hormones. This gives scientific support to what chocolate lovers have always called "the chocolate cure" for everything from bad moods to PMS.
Up until recently, the last pro-chocolate person you'd think of was a dentist. But last year, Dr. Linda Niessen, a dentist from the Baylor College of Dentistry in Texas, identified the tannins present in chocolate to be beneficial to dental health. She explained that the tannins stop the action of the bacteria on the teeth, thus stopping cavities in their tracks.
So can a chocolate a day truly keep the doctor away? The truth is, it's really too early to tell for sure, but the evidence so far is overwhelmingly favoring dark chocolate as a healthy food.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The best breakfast on the planet!

This low glycemic (GI), easy to make and great tasting breakfast cereal is the bee's knee's.  Just bring to a boil 2/3 cup of water, add a pinch of salt and 1/4 cup of steel cut oats, cover and simmer for 10-20 minutes.  Try soaking it over night to cook faster or prepare a larger amount and store it in the fridge for a couple of breakfast meals.  You can also add a pinch of ginger to boost the taste and improve digestion.

My favourite toppings include 1/4 cup of wild berries or a tbsp of sweetened dried cranberries or apple cubes and cinnamon with a splash of 2% milk.  You can also add soya milk or rice milk or yogurt just as long as you're not adding too much sweetness as that will bump up the GI of your breakfast.

If there was ever a breakfast of champions this is it!

(Have any wonderful breakfast idea's that you want to share?  Just add them to the comment box below)

Sunday, May 1, 2011


click the comment box for more success stories

Congratulations to all the TPD Challengers who stayed focused and worked hard to achieve their goals.  27 participants weighed out and a total of 189 lbs was lost...Bravo!  The program was much more demanding this time with 2 scheduled sweat producing exercise sessions per week.  As well, over $600 dollars was raised for the BC SPCA!

Stayed tuned for the next TPD Challenge coming soon!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


The right tasting salad dressing can make or break your fresh vegetable enjoyment so it is important that you use a good tasting, quality olive oil.  Read the labels to identify if the oil is a first cold pressed extra virgin olive oil.  You can really taste the difference, not the rancid flavor a lot of lower quality olive oils have. Press fresh garlic in the oil and drizzle it over salads and you'll never go back to premixed salad dressings again.

Another salad favourite is balsamic vinegar and again the right pick will decide the success of your fresh vegetable dish.  When choosing a good quality balsamic vinegar look for 6-12 year aged.  The taste is much more than just the acidic taste of vinegar.  Mix it with a lovely olive oil and you'll be in flavour heaven.

Here are a few excellent choices you can purchase locally:
Olive Oil:   Krinos (IGA)    Mastrodonato and  Italissima (Capers Whole Foods)
Balsamic Vinegar:   La Molisana (Capers Whole Foods)    Lucini Italia (IGA)  * note they can be expensive

(Have an olive oil or balsamic vinegar you love please add it to the comment box below)

Monday, April 11, 2011

My favourite recipe!  All you need is:

2 cups of cooked quinoa grain
1/2 cup of shelled fresh english peas
1/4 cup chopped green onion
1/4 cup chopped celery
1/4 cup dried sweetened cranberries.

Mix all these ingredients in a bowl, add a dash of salt and pepper, chill and serve.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I think it's working I'm down 12 pounds in just 4 weeks!

The end of February, I cut out meat from my diet. That is red meat and chicken. I am still eating fish. I also eliminated bread during the week and only eat it on weekends. A special type of bread being "sprouted" and only 2 slices on Sat. and 2 on Sunday. I eliminated most dairy products including cheese. If I have yogurt, it's plain. I also eliminated all refined sugar. I only have sugar from the fruits I eat which includes lots of berries. I also don't eat tropical fruits right now since they do have a higher sugar content as well as green grapes. I am eating more green leafy vegetables in general which includes lots of spinach and brussel sprouts. I also love avocados and eat 1/2 of one with my omlettes or in a salad. I also cut down my portion size and try to eat slower and not so fast. No second helpings!!!

BREAKFAST: Monday to Friday, I eat a special concoction I prepare and received the recipe from a couple that operate an organic farm outside of Kamloops called Suede Hills Organic Farm. Check out their website which is great information.
I have a mid morning snack - usually a piece of fruit - grapefruit or apple
LUNCH: Salad of mixed greens or various beans usually chickpea, with tabouleh and a small piece of salmon or a hard boiled egg
SNACK: 10-12 almonds or a piece of fruit
DINNER: small piece of fish with various mixed vegetables. Lots of green usually spinach, green beans or squash
If not fish, then a 2 egg omlette with fresh spinach, mushrooms, chopped onion and garlic
Also usually eating hummous every day which I love!
BEDTIME: I take my 2 "Happy Pills" which are pure alphalfa pills with water

I am drinking more water; as well as my San Pellegrino sparkling which I love and I still do have 1-2 cups of coffee max. each morning with some creamo. In February, I did a PH balance test and I was off the chart. I'm in my early fifties and for me this was a wake-up call since I was a person who worked out on a regular basis for over 20 years. The last 2 years, I've had a lot of stress in my life, seperation from my husband (soon ex) and then the death of my father and then I bought a house which I totally gutted and I'm renovating still. This all happened in 1 year! My job is also stressful but I am managing it in that I joined your class!  And I love the bootcamp sessions the most!  I really feel like I have a lot more energy!


Monday, April 4, 2011


Too busy to get to an exercise class?  Eating poorly and out a lot?  Feeling sluggish, lazy and unmotivated?

Well don't beat yourself up!  This story has been told a million times by a million different people because everyone has a busy life.

Here are a few suggestions that may help boost your chances of weight loss success.

1)  Use free time wisely by cutting up veges for salads,  precooking chicken, fish or meat so it can be easily reheated for meals.  Visit the Deli at Capers for quick healthy food.  Buy smoothie ingredients like Vega protein mix, frozen berries and 2% milk to blend up for a quick and healthy breakfast.

2)  Skip the TV, crank up your favourite tunes and do the Home Boot Camp exercises.  Easy to do, no fancy equipment necessary and get through the collection 3 times doing 15-20 repetitions per exercise and you'll work up a sweat and feel great.  The shoulder hold involves slightly pulsing the arms for 2 minutes then release. Exercises #2,#3,#4,#5 are alternating while exercise #1 is a single side at a time.

3) Walk as much as you can!  This basic, easy to do and enjoyable exercise is finally getting it's spotlight with almost every fitness magazine singing it's praises.  It is one of the top weight loss activities of 2011.

Ever need a personalized workout program e-mail me at tenpounddown@gmail.com and in just one session you'll have it.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


The Saturday night aerobics was jam packed again as we shook our booties for an hour straight!  Oh Yah!  Did we sweat off those calorie! Two more weeks to go and  already someone is down 12 pounds!  Wow!!
I'm sure if the pound's don't go down your fitness level will definately be moving on up!


Tuesday, March 29, 2011


It's not unusual for thosing working towards weight loss to put alot of effort into their goal, get some great results then start slipping back into bad habits sabotaging themselves. 

First  Congratulations if you are seeing the numbers on the scale go down ! So now think lifestyle change and start focusing not only on making physical activity a part of your routine but also on how you can change the way you feel about food.  Remember there is nothing rewarding about treating yourself to a bunch of junk food and gaining back all the weight you've worked so hard to lose.
Second  Patience as you see your efforts manifest themselves into a smaller you.  Some days you will feel like your getting nowhere and some days you will feel victorious!

Third  Sometimes the scale is not the measure of your success. Perhaps your clothes fit better or you have more energy or your able to climb more stairs.  When you choose a healthier lifestyle you become a better you!  A better you is a happier you!  And you derserve to be happy!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

What a fantastic work out this  early Sunday morning at the Kitsilano Community Center Park!  We ran drills, did calisthenics, aerobic moves, light jogging and even played tag.  It was a blast watching everyone scramble like kids so they wouldn't get tagged. What a great work out!
A lot of calories were burned during this session!  Bravo everyone!!!!!
Only three more weeks to go!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

One of my favorite salad toppings that's jammed packed with nutrition!
Containing mung beans, red & green lentils, green peas, garbanzos & adzuki – highly digestible protein makes mixed beans an ideal compliment to any grain-based dish. Sprouted beans have higher protein, vitamin and enzyme content than cooked or unsprouted beans.

Nutritional Highlights:
Vitamins: B complex, A, C, E Minerals: calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorous, iron
Other factors: amino acids, digestive and antioxidant enzymes, fibre, choline, protein.

Just place them in a strainer, give them a good rinse, toss them on your favorite salad and serve with your favorite salad dressing.  I love them with some feta cheese and Caper's Whole Foods house dressing. Yummy!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Once upon a time Ben Davis was morbidly odese so he started to run for his life and lost 120lbs.  And now look at him, he's a picture of health. 

Sometimes we need to be reminded that exercise is not only for weight loss but for a better quality of life!

To view Ben's very inspiring story click http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SbXgQqbOoU
Thank you Spring for sharing with us this beautiful story of true success.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The gymnasium was packed tonight for our first disco aerobics class and we worked up a real sweat!  Two weeks into the challenge and already we are seeing 5-6 stickers up on the TPD weight loss challenge chart.  That means these participants have lost 6 pounds in only two weeks!   Fantastic!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


WOW we had another fantastic night for our power walk #2.  
Only two weeks in and the pounds are just falling off.  If we keep training this way we are going to be unbelievably fit.

GO Challengers GO!

Choosing the right training zone can be very confusing, so here as some facts to consider;
First, to determine what zone your training in, take a one minute heart beat count then look on the Zone Training chart, find your age and match it with your heart rate.

The Fat Burning Zone requests a lower heart rate (65% of your max heart rate MHR).  The reason is that in order to burn stored body fat you need oxygen. So, if you're breathing too much you're not getting enough O2 which means you're mostly using stored glycogen. The body replaces gylcogen once you ingest carbohydrates.  You would think working harder means burning more calories leading to more weight loss.  But there are consequences to working that hard, too often, and they are injuries, fatique, cravings, insomnia, frustration, dizziness and generally a shorter duration.

The Cardio Training Zone has it's benefits as well, if you progress slowly, and they are improved cardiovascular fitness, the runners high, skeletal adaptation and a sense of accomplishment. This zone requires you to train at 80% of your MHR.

Think long, slow and steady when planning activity for losing weight.  Your more likely to stick to it, enjoy the process and remain injury free.  But don't hesitate to challenge yourself once in a while cause we all need a healthy heart.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


The weather was rainy so we moved the
camp indoors and had a blast!  The room
was packed and did we work up a sweat
or what!  It was the perfect opportunity to learn the aerobics moves while still keeping the traditional bootcamp calisthenic activities.
This group is determined to reach their goals. BRAVO!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


50 participants strong and what a fantastic turn out for the first power walk.  We had a group of speed walkers and a group that split off to do calisthenics then rejoin the walkers for an hour of sweat producing activity.  Keep up the good work everyone!

Sign up and pledge the challengers at the Kitsilano Community Center to raise money for the BC SPCA.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Hi Everyone,

I am one of the vegetarians in the group...and I love love LOVE dairy
which can be a problem. I have a couple suggestions- and would love to hear more if anyone has any.

1) Dessert tofu- few calories, not too much in the sugar realm, and you get a sweet that has some protein. Lots of flavours- coconut, mango, crème brulee...Here is the breakdown for coconut: 85 gr serving; 60 cal; fat 1gr; sodium 5mg; carbs 10 gr; protein 3gr. IGA and most stores stock these, T&T has a great selection.

2) Greek style yogurt- super creamy and still 0% fat. Good for breakfast and adding to smoothies to thicken and add a creamy taste. You can even sub it for sour cream. Breakdown: 175 gr serving; 110 cal; 0.4 gr fat; sodium 95gr; carbs 6gr; protein 20 gr. Costco has a good deal on these- it can be pretty expensive in regular stores.

Thanks for your enthusiasm Michelle!


Monday, March 7, 2011


1 Think a balanced diet when planning your meals, remember we need our grains, proteins, dairy, fruits and vegetables.  And if you're a vegetarian or vegan, pay attention to you're complete proteins, supplemented calcium, B12 and iron intakes. The "closer to nature the better", so everyone avoid processed foods!

2 Try not to skip meals, especially breakfast.  Maintaining your energy levels throughout the day will boost your metabolism, burning more calories, reduce cravings and eliminate that late afternoon, early evening fatique.

3 Pay attention to portion sizes and use your lunch plates instead for smaller meals.  Split your plate into three sections and fill 1/3 with your meat, chicken or fish, 1/3 with a grain and the last 1/3 with vegetables.  Once you've filled your plate immediately put left overs into storage to prevent overeating.

4 Eliminate fruit juices and pops.  Drink plain or sparkling water instead. San Pellegrino is less biting then Perrier, making it a little more palatable, in my opinion.  Herbal Teas are another fantastic option.

5 Keep junk food out of the house to reduce temptation and get creative with treats like frozen berries blended with low fat milk or 100% cocoa added to low fat milk and heated with a touch of honey.

6 If you're always busy, try and prepare foods ahead of time to eliminate take out.  Cut up vegetables and precook chicken, put them in a container and store them in your fridge for future meals.

7 Choose low GI foods over high GI foods. (below for more info or visit http://www.glycemicindex.com/)

8 Be careful with artificial sweetners as they can sometimes elevate your sweet cravings.  Other more natural sweetners to consider are stevia, honey and agava syrup.

9 When choosing alcoholic beverages, think which type are you likely to sip and which are you likely to guzzle and avoid the later.  To avoid drinking too many, try and have sparkling water in between drinks.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


1/2 cup slivered almonds
1/2 cup pecans
1 tsp canola oil (divided)
Sprinkle of cinnamon
1/4 cup almond meal
4 Tablespoons of almond butter
2 tsp of Agave
1 tsp vanilla
Sea Salt-a couple turns on the grinder

Take your sliced almonds and pecans and put them on a cookie sheet. Mix around with about 1 tsp of canola oil and a sprinkling of cinnamon. Roast at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes. Put these toasted nuts into a food processor and give them a good chop.

Pour this into a mixing bowl and add the almond meal. In a separate small bowl combine the almond butter, agave, vanilla, salt and the remainder 2 tsp’s of oil. Microwave for about 15 seconds…just to get the almond butter softened up so you are able to mix it all together. Add this creamy mixture to the nuts and almond meal, and stir until a crumbly mixture form.

Place peeled banana on a piece of foil, take some of the mixture and firmly press it around the banana. Finally, gently covered the banana with the foil and popped it into the freezer for about 30 minutes.

Slice and serve!

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Live Right Now, created by CBC, is challenging all Canadians to a million pound challenge in 2011.  I encourage anyone who has been thinking about losing a few pounds to click on the site and join the quest for a healthier Canada.

Visit: http://www.cbc.ca/liverightnow/group.html?id=478

It's easy, you can follow along with us and help our group grow!

Saturday, February 12, 2011


According to a new study, only a fraction of Canadians meet the minimum standard of weekly exercise. Stats Canada says only 15% of people achieve the proper exercise, and that number falls to 7% for Canadians between the ages of 5 and 17. International and proposed Canadian guidelines recommend adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity a week in order to have health benefits. The bracket of younger Canadians should have at least 60 minutes of activity each day. http://www.durhamradionews.com/

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Sandy from North Vancouver say's she's done everything from sit ups, to crunches and leg lifts to tone up and shed that extra fat layer around her mid section.  Though muscle toning will elevate your metabolism thus burning more calories the best way to reduce that layer of fat is through cardiovascular execises.  "Spot reducing" is a myth, the body will not just use the fat stored around the muscles you are working.  If you want to successfully reduce those stored calories then get on a bike, go for a power walk or have a swim. Be sure to focus on the fat burning zone which is a 65% of your maximum heart rate (HR). Use this simple formula to figure it out  {220 - ( age )  x .65 = the target HR}.  Then take a 10 second heart beat count times it by 6 to determine what level of exertion you are working at. Another method to determine if your body is primarily burning stored fat is to check your breathing.  If you're breathing too much your not burning fat.  And of course your diet is important and though they say "a calorie in is a calorie out", there's reasonable evidence suggesting that certain foods make better choices for weight loss.  Please review the "Low GI Diet" blog below for more information.

Here are some great abdominal toning exercises from http://www.fatlossworkoutsguide.com/  (click image to enlarge)

Sunday, February 6, 2011


This is going to be a fantastic TPD Weight Loss Challenge with 12 exercise sessions (2X/week), a diet workshop, online support and prizes from Lady Sport, Mercedes Benz, The Garden Health, Body Plus...to name a few.  Registration begins Feb 7th and we have had 2 sold out events so don't miss this one. 

All activities can be motified to suit every fitness level, attend what you can and all participants are eligible to win a prize. 

A pledge sign up sheet will be posted on the TPD display board to raise money for the BCSPCA

Good Luck Everyone!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

My top five weight loss tips! 

For most us getting older means gaining weight!  And though our metabolism does decrease slightly with age, the real reason we gain those extra pounds is because we lose our passion for living.  Being youthful means going dancing, playing sports, laughing more, chasing the opposite sex which costs the body tons of calories.  Not everyone had a passionate youth, nor was everyone thin, but now has never been a better time to discover or rediscover what makes your "tok tik"!

#1 Find that personal reason that motivates you to move!

What makes you want to get up a click your heels?  If you like being competitive then join a challenging weight loss support group. If music floats your boat then load up the old ipod and set out for daily run/walks.  If a special event is on the horizon start a program today so you can show off that fantastic you. The fact is that "being fit is healthy" just isn't enough to motivate, we need a more personal reason...find it!

#2 Never, never keep junk food in the house! 

What is it with our diminishing will power at night?  No matter how much I convince myself  "I'm in control" when the evening comes and there's treats in the house I'm weak.  So the only solution is to not buy bulk junk food and store it in the house.  An now your thinking "but I have kids" well too bad it's not good for them either, have you seen the child obesity stats....treats are not love, spending time with your kids is, so go out together for a walk and get your fix if you must.  Stop rewarding with food ..... find another way!

#3 Try and walk as much as possible every day!

I know what your thinking "who has time to walk"? Well we seem to always have time for TV, internet, video games, telephone calls so why not spend a few of life precious moments enjoying a walk ... heck bring along your blue tooth if you must.  This is one of the easiest, cheapest and most convenient ways to work off those extra pounds ... find the time!

#4 Eat like a king at breakfast, a prince at lunch and a pauper at dinner!
Even though this old saying still holds weight today, if you follow it, you won't!  Learn to love your breakfast as this meal will single handedly "make or break" your day.  A good morning meal can energize you, put you in a good mood and keep you focused.  As you provide yourself with the proper nutrition throughout the day your need for a large evening meal will diminish leading to less stored calories and even a better night's sleep..... look mom no more passing out after my huge dinner!

#5 Choosing Low GI foods is a "this for that"  diet strategy you can easily live by!

Twenty years ago I believed in this diet even though it never really existed till 1996.  As a competitive bodybuilder back in 1991 I experimented with all kinds of weight loss strategies and the low GI diet lead me to victory. It helped me to lose those stubborn extra pounds without leaving me weak, moody or hungry. The focus is not on extremely reducing your calories but on exchanging low GI foods for high ones.  The glycemic index (GI) of a food is how fast it will leave the digestive system and enter the blood stream.  Low GI foods (<55) tend to burn up slower, helping to reduce hunger, providing you with steady energy and preventing diseases associated with consuming too many high GI foods (>70).  For more information on The Low GI Handbook visit their website at: http://www.glycemicindex.com/